"Evan told me the first day that his team was going to win the Marketing Challenge Game in Principles of Marketing. I hear that bravado all the time and do not take it seriously. Evan was an active learner and I was impressed that he was extending himself outside of class to go to events and to network. The marketing team struggled at first, but Evan worked effectively with the team and in the end the work was excellent. His team won. It was, to a large extent, due to his work, determination and creativity. He was a joy to have in class and I know the qualities that I observed in class will translate into his future successes."

Michael Wiese
Professor of Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University

"Evan is asking the right questions when it comes to being a future entrepreneur. For Evan, it's not just about making money, but it's about positive social impact. We'll need more future entrepreneurs like Evan as we transition into rapid workflow automation and augmentation in the coming years."

Sean Podvent
CEO & Head of Product at Rocket Rounding

"Evan has been an incredible thinker and scholar in the courses I have taught. Specifically, his work in Organizational Behavior and Leadership demonstrates a keen understanding of organizations, people, and how to lead. His entrepreneurial accomplishments provides him a "hands on" perspective which sharpens his skills and knowledge. I have seen Evan engage in activities outside of the classroom demonstrating his determination and desire to learn. Evan will undoubtedly make a difference in any organization he is a part of."

Randy Waynick
Assistant Dean Fermanian School of Business

"Evan is a business owner who understands when an idea needs to be improved or there needs to be a pivot from the original idea. He leads his team(s) in class just as a business owner. He asks everyone for input, hearing their ideas first before he shares his input. Then he collaborates with the team to produce an outstanding final product. Evan shows his leadership everyday. He is genuinely curious and always has a smile."

Frank Marshall
Associate Dean at Point Loma Nazarene University